Be on the lookout for the next issue of Vice Magazine. I've got a full-color one-pager in it called "Perils of Heracles". It's a new character from me and he's full of suprises. I'm thinking of making it a weekly strip on this site. Let me know if you dare me to do it. Well - bi-weekly.
Otherwise, I've been working on my bit of the second volume of the Orchid anthology on it's way from Sparkplug Comic books. We have no ETA yet on this thing, but we're getting close.
I haven't mentioned it yet on this site, but I was part of the Riverfront Times' "Best of 2005" listing under the category "Best Public Art (Temporary)". Here's a little
scan of the article. The art showing was masterminded by Lisa Bulawsky and her Blindspot Galleries. Here's her
photos I don't know what kind of other public art (temporary) my stuff was up against, but it's an honor to be noticed. Thanx Lisa and RFT!
AND - for all you fans of true love out there, I'm happy to announce that I just got married to the beautiful and talented Sacha Mardou. For those who don't know her, she's also a cartoonist - from the UK, no less! Check out her work at