The third issue of Injury is in the can. Actually, it's been wrapped up for a little while. Unfortunately, our finishing it coincided with Diamond Distributor's new profitability guidelines making the release of the new issue a little uncertain at the moment. For those of you who don't closely follow the idiosyncracies of the US comics market: basically, the 300 pound gorilla of comics distribution has stopped carrying comics that don't net them a certain level of profit. And Injury has never netted anyone anything other than pain and misfortune. WINK.
So, we'll see what happens. I'll post updates here once we get a release date. In the mean time, I at least wanted to post the cover. A cover that you probably will never see on your comic store rack next to Infinity Gauntlet: Smackdown, or Impregnable Fortress of Annihilus.
With no large scale distribution, it's not feasible for Injury to continue in its current format. It was basically engineered for the direct market. I haven't yet decided how we'll proceed. At the moment we're just back to writing new stuff. But please do keep an eye out for the third ish. It's probably the best we've done so far. I'll update this blog regarding future books. The fire of comics will continue to warm (and in some cases melt) peoples' faces. That much I can say with certainty.
Are those colors legal?
I doubt it! Hey man, when the insides are black n white, you gotta get your money's worth on the front cover.
looks killer dude. hope it comes out soon.
fuck that cover is amazing.
I just found the first issue of Injury at a used bookstore. It's great, I'd like to read more.
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