Thursday, March 08, 2012

The pledge drive is ON

Injury 4 is DONE, but I'm publishing it myself, so I'm doing a Kickstarter to raise the cabbage to get it done right (ie, offset printing). So, if you've been pining away for the next issue of Injury - now's your chance to ACT! Get over to Kickstarter and preorder a copy. I've got other stuff up there, too: posters, prints, original art, etc. I'll be adding more soon.

The issue: 36 pages, two stories: one Jeff Wilson autobio tale about DRUGS and DETENTION, and one Beast Biplane story feat. the return of GREG, sweet full color cover, all for 6 bucks (I know! it's the economy - you get free shipping The book should be available in May.

Hey, if that doesn't entice you, check out the amazing trailer that Injury's own Jeff Wilson put together:

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